2 thoughts on “Hi, I’m Monica

  1. Holly says:

    Hi there. I was just diagnosed with late stage Lyme and searched the words “Lyme hope,” and found your site. It is great to see your smile. A lot of Lyme sites make me feel negative and fearful. Good job, and thank you! Will be following.

    • LymeHope says:

      Hi Holly! Thanks so much for stopping by and saying “Hi”. I’m so sorry that you are fighting Lyme Disease as well…may God bless you with a quick and easy recovery. There is a lot of negative things out on the web about Lyme…which makes it extremely discouraging when you are first diagnosed. But there IS always HOPE in Jehovah Rapha and it IS completely possible to get all better. Thank you for following and God bless you on your journey to healing. ~Monica

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