Happy Monday

Hey All!

I don’t exactly know how to explain how I am feeling today….  Except that it feels like an “out of body experience.”    I’m so extremely tired, weak, my heart is racing and I can’t focus on anything.  So thankful for having a couple good days over last week.  It was SO good for me to get out and do some fun things with my family at the Tulip Festival and then visit with some really good friends on Saturday.  But I am so beat today I don’t feel like I could even carry on a conversation.   I hate having days where I accomplish absolutely NOTHING…and today is one of those days.  I’m not sure if anything makes me feel more like a failure than “nothing” days.  Except that Jesus keeps reminding me that it isn’t wasted.  It’s a “REST PERIOD” that He has me in while HE is working the healing in my body.  Days like today I just have to sleep….ALL day. Gearing up for the rest of the week…blood treatment…IV…Peptide Shot…etc. 🙂  Thankful that today I can just stay home and sleep…and remembering to thank Jesus for the health that I do have.  AND I am on day 17 of my medication for my infection!  It’s helping me…but I think it’s also making me extra tired. Only 13 more days on it!!! YES!  I don’t like this medication one bit. 😛  I have to go off of it the next few days because the medication has to be cleared out of my system for my shot….but I’ll go back on it Friday and then be DONE with it on May 29th!!  Yipee! 🙂  Gotta find little things to celebrate. 🙂


This girl is one of my best friends.  She is also fighting a hard battle with Lyme Disease.  We met each other about 7 years ago….when neither of us knew what was wrong with us physically.  We knew we were sick…but so many of the Doctor’s we saw made us feel like it was all in our head.  We talked almost EVERY SINGLE day on the phone and would pray all the time together for Jesus to heal us and to lead us to the right Doctor’s.  We were also Bible Verse memory partners and kept each other accountable for memorizing and hiding God’s precious promises into our hearts.   It seemed like every time I was having a super hard, discouraging day and didn’t wanna go on…Heather was there to pick me back up by pointing me back to God.  And on the days when she was having a hard day…I was there to pick her up.  I know God put us into each others lives for a reason…she’s one of my *angel friends*. ❤ PRAISE GOD about a little over a year ago we both found out we had Lyme Disease.  And the fight against Lyme began.  So thankful to have a best friend who is fighting this battle in a very real way with me.   She just moved back here to the States from the Philippines and Saturday was the first time since she’s been back that I was able to see her and her husband.  Such a special, refreshing time!  I hate that she has Lyme Disease….but thankful God put us in each others lives to help fight this hard battle together.

I was realizing today that 8 years ago….if I had been told it would take 7 years for the Doctor’s to figure out what was wrong with me there is NO WAY I would’ve had the strength to keep going.  Thankfully, Jesus didn’t tell me that…He just told me to trust Him and to take one day at a time.  Knowing it would take 7 years for a diagnosis would’ve been too heavy of a burden for me to carry…so Jesus carried it for me.  Now my question is how long until healing?  Some Lyme Patients take 1 year, 3  years, 5 years, 15 or more years until they are better.  Some….fight the rest of their lives.  I want a time limit on how long I will be sick…I want to know how long I have to keep up the fight…I want to know how many blood treatments until I am all better…  Again, God is telling me to TRUST.  I don’t need to know how long…I just need to look to HIM for the strength for this day, this hour, this minute. ❤  TODAY…Jesus is ALL I need.  And that is enough for me. ❤

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Hope you all are having a wonderful Monday!  Thanks for your continued prayers, love, support and encouragement.

Keep the Fight STRONG, Hopeful and *always* keep smiling,

Love Always,


2 thoughts on “Happy Monday

  1. Yahweh Lover says:

    “And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now *hope does not disappoint*, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” Romans 5:3-5

    Be a beast Monica. Lymes ain’t gonna beat you!

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